weep and wring her hands and say: Where did my daughter learn such language?’
Besides the erotic quality, the furious character of the delirium is remarkable. The delirium, which may have its cause in mental disease but also in acute states of fever and excessive pain comes on mostly in the evening or at night and is often coupled with or followed by clonic convulsions, ending in sudden unconsciousness. The convulsive attacks often closely resemble hydrophobic attacks, and indeed Cantharis has been prescribed in olden times for hydrophobia, even as a prophylactic. Great excitement and rage, convulsive paroxysms renewed by touching the larynx, by pressure on the abdomen where it is painful, by trying to drink water or even by hearing the sound of falling water, by the sight of water, or bright or dazzling objects. Great fear of water or bright objects is exhibited; also great fear of death.
Frothy saliva may come out of the mouth during the raging attacks, with alternating trismus and opening of the mouth. Here again a differential diagnosis to Stramonium and also Hydrophobinum becomes important. In Cantharis, during the attacks an excessive desire for sexual intercourse may be expressed. The patient howls frightfully, like the barking of a dog, or screams, laments, moans, whines or weeps. Destructive behaviour can come on in acute delirious states, e.g.: strikes the wall and tries to scrape the plaster from it with excessive pain; grasps an iron stick from a curtain and breaks it, screaming fearfully. These attacks may be immediately followed by general convulsions, fainting and profound stupor.
Cantharis may quickly reach a state of loss of consciousness (with or without delirium), with a red face, and often with the body having a cold surface, the patient looking like Opium. The idea is that he goes suddenly into a stupor. ‘Lies in a stupor, with cold surface and occasional jerks’ (Hering). Tke patients may lie down unconscious with arms stretched along the body, but from time to