menorrhagia. Fear of going to bed (lectophobia).*
During sleep: starting of the limbs, which wakes him; talking; grinding teeth. Nightmares each night immediately on falling asleep. Vexatious dreams; dreams of danger, and of perils encountered; of dead bodies; voluptuous dreams with erections and profuse emissions; prophetic dreams; melancholy dreams.
Chill, Fever, and Perspiration
Has a lack of vital heat and feels a general chilliness.
Much shivering and shuddering or experiences creeping chills all over. Coldness of the hands, feet, and especially of the nose after dinner, with shivering, shaking, and the inability to get warm.
Coldness and shivering, with external heat.
Profuse sticky sweat, standing out in drops on his forehead.
Experiences a strong shaking chill with the earnest belief that he is dying.
Anaesthesia of the skin has often been impressively described in the provings. Numbness and pricking over the whole body or parts of it, often pleasurable; sometimes alternating with twitching. Formication and itching on various parts, or all over the body.
The skin feels as if it were drawn tight, especially over the head and face.
Catalepsy. Chordee. Clairvoyance. Delirium tremens. Delusions. Epilepsy. Gonorrhoea. Headache. Mania. Menorrhagia. Paralysis. Prostatitis. Satyriasis. Stammering. Uraemia. Urinary disorders.
Cann-s. In extreme sensitiveness to noise: Nit-ac. (to jarring and rumbling of cars in the street); Coff. (to all sounds); Bor. (slightest noise, fall of the door latch,