
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1518

Tetanic intermittent contraction of the muscles at the nape of the neck; cataleptic spasms. Drawing from the nape of the neck to the ear, rather spasmodic and felt externally.*
Chin suddenly drawn down to the sternum, lasting several days until it relaxes.
Peculiar feeling as if a stream of warm water is gradually stealing up the back and making its way up to the brain.
Pain across the shoulders and spine, forcing the person to stoop and preventing him from walking erect; or crushing weight on the cerebellum, neck and shoulders, cannot rise from a stooping position.
Cold feeling in the small of the back and between the shoulders.
Pressure on the coccyx, as if from a blunt point.*
Backache: may be caused by coition in men; aggravated from laughing; backache aggravated during menses, which come every 14 days.
Backache may be coupled with extraordinary anxiety and anguish, making the voice rise or arresting the breath.*
Reflex movements of the spinal column in a wave-like motion.
As previously mentioned, Cannabis may be indicated in states of extreme weakness and weariness of the limbs, even amounting to paralysis, often with numbness and tingling of the affected parts. The tired feeling in the limbs may be coupled with aching in the joints, sometimes with a shaking chill. One-sided paralysis. The provings also give partial paralytic symptoms such as: paralysis of the lower extremities and the right arm; entire paralysis of the lower extremities. Leaden feeling in the limbs, as though he could not move them, for some time.
Spasmodic motions of the limbs have also been observed; there may be a kind of gesticulatory convulsion in the arms and legs, or an automaton-like and rapid movement of the hands, one hand being pressed on the chest and rubbed actively with the palm of the other hand; knocking together of the knees; choreatic movements. Tonic spasms, rigidity of the limbs. Unpleasant shuddering through all the limbs.