
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1517

in the back. The penis may also be unusually relaxed and even shrunken.
Nocturnal emissions mixed with blood.*
Great swelling of the prepuce, approaching phimosis.*
Sticking, burning soreness in the glans penis. Itching (agreeable or disagreeable) of the glans penis, of or under the prepuce, at the frenulum;* itching and burning of the scrotum.
On squeezing the glans penis, a white glairy mucus oozes out.
The prostate may be affected: with emission of transparent fluid, sometimes during stool; the ‘ball feeling’ (described under ‘Rectum’) may also occur in connection with prostate trouble.
Female Genitalia
Cannabis is said to have brought about sterility, and it has been used for this condition, especially when sterility coincides with an increase in sexual desire. Dysmenorrhoea is also an indication. It ‘appears to control the neuralgic and spasmodic varieties, but is more particularly indicated when…the menses are preceded, attended, or followed by unusual sexual desires.’ (Hale)
In dysmenorrhoea the menses are generally very profuse, dark, but without clots; the flow may be prolonged (Hering relates a case where it lasted 18 days). Menorrhagia with violent spasmodic uterine colic; pains returning like labour- pains; great agitation and sleeplessness. The profuse menses may also be attended by dysuria and a sensation of soreness in the whole urethral tract.* The remedy has also been used in scanty but too frequent menstruation (every two weeks), with aggravation of backache during menses.
Threatened miscarriage with haemorrhage from the vagina as late as the eighth month of pregnancy; in gonorrhoeic patients, with burning during urination and purulent discharge.
Metrorrhagia and post-partum haemorrhage have been helped with Cannabis; when accompanied by violent uterine colic, with cramps in the extremities.
Fluor in young girls, with dysuria and soreness to touch of the vulva.*
The remedy causes an inflammation and swelling of the vagina, as if sore, with
biting fluor.*