Nausea and efforts to vomit after eating. Vomiting of slimy fluid, tasting somewhat bitter, or of a tenacious, sour mucus.* Coffee may cause vomiting but may also ameliorate the nausea.*
Pain in the cardiac orifice, relieved by pressure.
Sensation of warmth in the pit of the stomach.
Pyloric spasms; pyloric syndrome with ulcus duodeni (pain better by eating); pain attacks go along with perspiration and fainting.
While eating, stomach feels so swollen and chest so oppressed that he feels he will suffocate, has to loosen clothes.
Sensation of extreme tension in the abdominal vessels; they feel distended to bursting. Throbbing here and there.
Painful jerking in the abdomen moving from one spot to another, as if something alive were in it.* Shaking in the abdomen on vehement motion of the arms, as if the intestines were loose.* Or: a bearing-down sensation as if all the intestines were going to be pushed out, felt in the rectum and the small of the back.* Stitches in the right hypochondrium, when breathing.
Flatulence upon rising in the morning, swollen feeling of the abdomen, relieved by belching a considerable quantity of wind.
Disagreeable rumbling, with flatulence, or feels as if diarrhoea were coming on, immediately on lying down, or at night when lying down.
Sensation in the anus as if he were sitting on a ball; as if the anus and part of the urethra were filled up by a hard round body.
Sensation in the anus as if something cold trickled out and onto the skin.*
During a hard evacuation, at night, excessive discharge of prostatic fluid.
Urinary Organs
Cannabis has a variety of urinary symptoms, and is often indicated in infections of the bladder, urethra, and kidneys.