
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1513

usual. Sudden failure of voice.Stammering and stuttering.
Burning in the throat on inspiring air.
It requires great effort to take a deep inspiration.
Oppression of the breath with palpitation; with anxiety in the throat.*
Asthma with dyspnoea and extreme agitation; suffocating spells; can only breathe when sitting or standing up, especially when standing at an open window and leaning forward.*
Oppression of the chest, with deep, laboured breathing; he feels as if he is suffocating, and wants to be fanned. Oppression with great anguish, better in the open air. Oppression especially upon waking at night, before midnight; dread of choking with the feeling as if dying, or slow, deep, laboured, intermittent breathing. Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspnoea the entire night.
Stitches in the heart, accompanied by great oppression; the latter relieved by deep breathing.
Rough cough, scratching the breast immediately under the sternum.
Sharp, cutting pain behind the sternum, aggravated by swallowing.
Stitches extending from both nipples to the whole chest.
Palpitation, waking him from sleep.
Stitches in the heart when lying on the left side.
Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart.*
In most cases the appetite is increased, often to an enormous degree. ‘Ravenous hunger, which is not decreased by eating enormously; ceases eating only from fear of injuring himself. ’ Sweets are especially desired; everything seems to taste delicious, and also seems to be well digested. Bulimia is also mentioned in the provings. Sometimes, however, there may be a poor appetite, with a dislike of meat of which the patient used to be fond.*
Extreme thirst is frequent, but may be combined with a dread of liquids (like hydrophobia). Thirst at night in bed, all night, or on waking around midnight. Eructations: when moving; of nothing but air;* of tasteless fluid which rises into the trachea, causing choking*; of a bitter-sour fluid, scraping the throat.*