
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 109

These vibrational frequencies are: Mental Energy (Me): fast frequency Emotional Energy (Ee) : medium frequency Physical Energy (Pe): low frequency
The fields are very intense and dense in the material-physical plane, less so on the emotional plane, and even less on the mental plane. The energy used by all these planes comes from the general source of universal energy.
It appears that each individual, from the moment of birth, is endowed with a certain amount of "seed" energy that determines his lifespan (outside of any unpredictable circumstances). Theoretically, the length of time (lifespan) is determined by this energy plus one’s genetic predisposition.
I believe that in the not-too-distant future we will be able to predict the degree of health of an individual and his probable lifespan. Measurements may be taken at certain years of his life that will give precise indications as to his possible strengths and weaknesses. There will be tests to measure physical strength and emotional soundness or resilience, and even more sophisticated tests will measure mental abilities and strengths. It is not in the scope of this book to discuss the various detailed tests that could determine the overall degree of health of a given individual at a particular time; I wish only to point out the numerous possibilities awaiting us in the future. Once one had such test results, preventive measures could be taken not only to protect but also to enhance health.