States of absent-mindedness and dreaminess frequently occur: ‘is absorbed in his own thoughts and fantasies, wants to remain perfectly quiet, without speaking, even without moving’. In this state there is also a marked taciturn tendency, exactly the opposite of the logorrhoea described above. Eventually it is also possible that the thoughts seem to stand still.* Is able to remember one thing or another, but the ideas remain stationary, as if standing still, while looking for a long time at the object he was going to work upon.* The powers of reflection and imagination seem lost.* The patient is spiritless, apathetic and indifferent.
Overwhelming Anxiety About Health
The Cannabis patients that belong to type one, those who have not totally lost contact with reality, eventually develop a tremendous anxiety about health. It is not related as such, and the patients may not even recognise that they are suffering from such an anxiety. In fact, they tell the practitioner that they have no anxiety whatsoever about their health. However, the manner in which they present their symptoms and talk to the physician readily convey the impression of substantial anxiety.
I recall a Nitricum acidum case that vividly illustrates the anxiety about health that these two remedies have in common. A man wrote to me from France complaining of lumbago. He had seen a chiropractor whose adjustments had only worsened the pain. He had seen many doctors and subsequently a homeopath whose prescriptions had had no effect. The man was bedridden and could not work. The letter he sent to me consisted of twelve pages! I read and read, noting one symptom after another. He wrote that he was surely going to die or retire to a monastery, that his life was no longer worthwhile. It became apparent from reading his letter that he was suffering from a profound anxiety about health; the only symptom he failed to mention! I sent him a dose of Nit-ac. 10M, and he made a full recovery within a week. Similar states can be seen in Cannabis.