fear, but if guilt dominates the subconscious, the symptomatology takes another form, for instance that of dual consciousness (compare the delusions of this kind described above).
As Boericke describes the state: ‘Subconscious or dual nature state. Apparently under the control of the second self, but the original self prevents the performance of acts which are under the domination of the second self. Apparently the two natures cannot act independently, one acting as a check upon the other. ’ This kind of duality can exist in various manifestations: seems to have two existences, or to be conscious of two states, or to exist in two spheres.
In the provings we find symptoms such as: ‘Had a feeling of duality. One of his minds would be thinking of something, while the other would laugh about it.’ Or: ‘My will or spiritual existence was separate from my bodily existence, and spurring it onward, pushing it forward and using it as much as an artificer uses a tool. ’ Or: One part of me awoke, while the other continued in perfect hallucination. The awakened portion felt the necessity of keeping in side streets on my way home, lest some untimely burst of ecstasy should startle more frequented thoroughfares. ’
This is similar to a schizophrenic state, which is the consequence of such a dissociation between the physical and etheric bodies. In the schizophrenic, the vital or etheric body is not able to fully integrate with the physical body, and consequently, the consciousness wanders uncontrollably about the astral plane, a realm of mental projections. Of course, at times an awareness of this level of being can lead to valid insights; thus, one can actually detect clairvoyance and prophetic dreams in the Cannabis patient. Vivid, ecstatic dreams occur, but also very impressive nightmares. This dissociation may also be responsible for a dream state the Cannabis patient may experience in which he feels as if he is falling into a dark abyss, into empty space.