and sexual energy. He felt unbelievably weak; in short, he had become a zombie. The moment he tried to look through his camera he would become dizzy and was absolutely incapable of continuing. He lost his job. I saw him one year after this incident, and all these symptoms were still present.
It is interesting that the remedy prescribed was not Cannabis but Phosphoricum acidum, proving once again that the organism does not always produce the symptomatology of the intoxicating substance but can take on other symptoms and remedy states. The consequences of hashish abuse are, of course, not always so dramatic, but a constitutional weakness which renders the organism vulnerable to the action of the drug or to the partaking of too large a dose, possibly combined with other influences, can actually lead to a disturbance as severe as in the above case. This is especially true for chronic conditions, as described in the following section.
Fear of Insanity and Losing Control
In the early stages of development of the Cannabis state, in addition to the out-of-body or ethereal experiences, more localized and dissociated symptoms can be observed. Sensations as if any or all of the limbs are floating or rising upwards are common. Lying in bed, suddenly an arm or a leg seems to ‘float’ up into the air. The extremity feels as if it possesses no finger, no bone; it is not really ‘here’, not solid. Beat Spring reports that one of his Cannabis patients had to grab onto to her chair in such states, because she felt she might otherwise fly away. Such sensations are often experienced in a decidedly unpleasant way and can eventually become quite frightening. They are the reason for the development of a great fear of insanity and also fear of death.
This fear of insanity is listed prominently for Cannabis, but seldom is it described by a patient in these terms. It is more readily called a fear of losing control. The levitation and floating sensations make the