Universal or cosmic energy is an unlimited depot which man will soon consciously tap. The scientists working in physics with "small clusters" deal closely with this idea. We can draw pure, unlimited energy from this depot and apply it in a million ways.
Established medicine has concentrated its research and efforts in the past decades on only the physicochemical part of the human being. To continue in the same manner is somewhat of a "blind act" since it ignores the existing realities and needs of the human organism.
As I wrote in the foreword, my main purpose in producing this small treatise was to point out the fallacies of modern therapeutics while presenting a new hypothesis with renewed hope for this important branch of science. In this short work I cannot possibly give all the pertinent examples and explanations for everyone to fully understand my viewpoint; but I hope to give enough evidence that more dedicated scientists will start looking in the right direction. I shall be content if this initial exposure to the Model initiates some fruitful discussions.
22. The organism is constructed in such a manner that the more important, sensitive and precious organs are the most protected in order to ensure the safety and continuing existence of the organism. An optimum construction delineating both the idea of hierarchy and that of protection can be depicted symbolically by a truncated cone format.
In Figure 20, a diagrammatic model symbolically shows that the physical body envelops and contains the emotional and mental spheres. The diagram also represents the different lines of defense that potentially exist in the body. There are correspondences between the physical organs and the emotional and mental functions.
The three energy planes of the organism are represented symbolically by three truncated cones, each one overlapping the other with the physical plane on the periphery and the mental plane in the center. What this means is that the physical-material plane, which is the grossest and least vulnerable, comes in direct contact with the physical environment, while the other two parts, being of greater importance and sensitivity, need more protection and thus lie deeper within. This is espe-