
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 106


The three planes of human existence cannot be separate or unconnected. There must be an essential underlying binding force.
21. All three levels of functioning are interconnected by a universal or cosmic energy field which is neutral in character and quality. The function of this energy is to animate everything in the Universe, including the triplex of body, mind and emotions of the human being. Each plane uses this basic energy and transforms it to suit its particular needs and functions. This type of energy is the substratum through which all physical manifestations can take place.
In a previous chapter we presented the concept of such a force and how it has been described by different scientists and metaphysicians. It has neutral qualities (neither good or bad) apart from those basic qualities inherent in a force. This very primal force attains different qualities according to the specific material manifestation that it animates.
It is that which gives "life" and enormous energy to every material thing. Einstein’s formula and nuclear fission have shown us the actual amount of energy encapsulated in matter. It was his conception that everything existing in our material world is nothing but energy fields.
In spite of similar statements from recognized and celebrated scientists, established medicine insists on treating the human body as a machine or chemical factory, totally ignoring its real nature and structure and the natural laws that support it.
Today the presence of such an energy structure is becoming more and more apparent. This concept creates a need which must be dealt with by scientists, researchers and health practitioners.324