Delirium and Hallucination
In delirious states, as from meningitis, it will be difficult for this remedy to be differentiated from Belladonna or Hyoscyamus. There may be busy delirium with wild talking, constantly repeating the same sentence. Camphora has proved curative in some manic states with excessive excitability: vehement and abusive, also obscene talking; violent, raging gestures; strikes, scratches, spits (Bell.) and bites; tears his own clothes (Tarentula); foams at the mouth. Throws himself back with dreadful shrieks and endeavours to tear everything within his reach.
The delirium often has a sexual component: women bare their breasts or strip naked (Hyos.), clinging to their husbands; men strip naked and dance about wildly, sometimes attempting to jump out of the window. In one case where Camphora acted successfully, a young man wallowed in his own faeces, without showing the slightest sensitivity or shame. He did not want to lie down except on the bare floor. There may be laughing, weeping, talking and shouting by turns, or an alternation between loud laughter and deep depression with fear of dying. These raving states will often be accompanied by violent convulsive fits.
There is also another kind of delirious psychosis in Camphora which is equally intense but not so noisy or violent. A good example is found in the report of a poisoning case: ‘Like in a frenzy, I am seized by the thought: I am dead, no, I am not, yes, I am… The external world had disappeared around me, my thoughts had vanished, with only one dreadful idea remaining: I felt that I had been transferred to another world, everything else had vanished for me… I was alone in space, I alone had remained of everything… There was no sensation in me but the feeling of my infinite and eternal damnation. Prostrated on my bed, I believed that I was the Demon of Evil in a world without God…’ This resembles Hyoscamus or Mancinella.