
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1460

they suddenly contract and almost totally cut off the blood supply, causing collapse and coldness. Secale cornutum is a remedy that is in some way similar to Camphora, because it also has a desire to uncover when cold, but in Camphora the states of coldness, heat, frenzy and pain very often intermingle. Unbearable internal heat, for instance, may be there at the same time as extreme coldness of the surface to the touch.
The Camphora state is one of opposites, not only in the field of heat regulation. An analogous situation also takes place on the emotional plane. With the least provocation, with the least inflammation or pain, there is extreme excitability, then irritability which soon goes into a kind of frenzy. The patients cannot control themselves, and do not know what they want. Patients can show frenzy, extreme irritability or even violent behaviour at one moment; and after that phase they will not pass smoothly to a normal state but will go to the opposite extreme, looking utterly exhausted, to the verge of collapse, and cold all over. No reaction can be elicited from them. They seem to feel nothing, and register no sensations. Even the sense of touch may be lost, and the skin is cold and insensitive, like marble.
Convulsions are also an important key-note of this remedy. They may be accompanied by hysterical excitement, shrieking and screaming and shouting for help. There may be vomiting and a frequent urge to urinate, with convulsive contractions of the limbs and a loss of consciousness. Tonic and even tetanoid convulsions and epileptic fits where the patient falls down unconscious, have often been described and are important actions of the remedy. We also see clonic convulsions of the face and limbs.
The intensity and the suddenness of the suffering in this remedy might be understood by appreciating that Camphor is well known for curing cholera when the symptoms agree. Sudden sinking of strength, deathly coldness all over very soon after the infection,