
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 104

Different diseases may be triggered by stimuli received through the emotional or mental planes. This is something so well known today that few dispute or doubt it. Psychosomatic medicine deals exclusively with such conditions. All such conditions penetrate one’s system through a process of feeling or thinking, while consequences can be felt on all levels: mental, emotional or physical, depending upon one’s own predisposi¬tions.
This kind of stress is not "physical" in any way but is dynamic and energy-like. A similar dynamic, energy-like process takes place when the physical body gets sick from stressors that appear to be entirely material (microbes, bacteria, viruses etc.).
20. A disease will only manifest itself if the vibrational frequencies of the stimulus and the organism coincide.
A new energy state is instantly created, and this eventually changes the physicochemical inner environment such that the specific viruses, bacteria, etc., can thrive and multiply.
This idea is a bit advanced, but we will come back to it later in the book and elaborate. In the meantime, one has to ask the question: "How is it possible that the idea of an emotional or mental shock causing disease is acceptable, while that of the disease disturbance being energetic rather that just material is unacceptable?"
Another question that we might ask here: "Is it possible that after a stressor’s encounter with an organism, conditions can develop within the system which might allow the mutation of innocuous microorganisms into ones which can cause patholgy?"
Here is the opinion of Marc Lappe’: "By making our own bodies the battlegrounds for chemical control of bacteria, we disrupt the natural ecological balance of the microorganisms that maintain the homeostasis of our internal and external surfaces… Overuse of antibiotics like penicillin may have participated in creating the soil for epidemics of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and perhaps even AIDS."
These antibiotic-resistant organisms are not playthings. Many of them carry the same disease-causing properties as the germs that they replace. Moreover, they pose a long-term risk