
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1454

Genitalia – Female
Swelling and induration of the uterus; with stretching and dragging in the groin; sense of fullness and weight in the pelvis; menorrhagia; constipation from occasional retroversion; pain on sudden movement. Prolapsus.
Ulceration of os uteri; with offensive leucorrhoea. Condylomata at os externum. Calendula has even been used in uterine and breast cancer.
It helps when there is a rupture of the cervix uteri and perineum during childbirth, or for a lacerated womb after a Caesarean section.
Inflammation of the genitals, with a lacerated hymen, from coitus or other causes.
Excoriated and cracked nipples. Nodosities in the breast.
Menses suppressed; with cough.
Profuse, offensive watery discharge from the vagina, with great exhaustion, after instrumental delivery.
Inflammation of the vulva resulting from cutting or tearing the parts.
Drawing pressure in the left side of the chest and on the sternum, with stitches in the right side.
Cough with hoarseness, green expectoration; with distension of the inguinal ring. Pressure and oppression on the left side of the chest, during the evening in bed.
Neck and Back
Pressing-tearing pain between the scapulae.
Rheumatic drawing pain in the right side of the neck, increased when bending the neck to the right and when lifting the right arm, extending to the shoulder. Pressive pain with sensation as if ulcerated and bruised under angle of the right scapula.
Drawing-pressive tension in the hands and ankle joints, during rest.
Pain as if beaten at the outer side of the knees when sitting.
Burning tearing pain on top of the calf, when sitting.