There is much mucus in the air passages and they feel raw and painful; catarrh that is thick, lumpy, white-yellow or pus-like.
Crawling and irritation in the larynx and trachea with a feeling as if there is dust within.
Sharp, tight cough in the evening; he coughs after bathing; from dust, from rising in bed and from getting wet.
Cough in the morning and afternoon after a bath.
Loose, rattling cough which racks the whole body and causes him to cough in paroxysms.
Croupy cough only after waking.
The obstinate hoarseness and cough are ameliorated in the open air.
The cough is accompanied by purulent and sanious sputa.
Cough and asthma with hectic fever.
Copious, lumpy expectoration, especially in the morning after a bath and at noon time (12-15h); bloody, greenish, purulent, thick and viscid. Expectoration in the house.
The mucus is yellow in the afternoon (12-15h) and becomes white in the evening. The mucus secretion is also ameliorated in the open air.
Empyema with pus forming in the lungs or pleural cavities.
Recurrent, choking croup; croupy cough only after waking in the morning, ame¬liorated by throwing off the covers and open air.
The chest feels oppressed and there are pains in the sides of the chest, especially before stool; nightly palpitations and the chest feels weak. Haemorrhage from the lungs; badly treated pneumonia or the results of pneumonia.
Respiration is difficult at night and made worse by going upstairs, lying and walking.
The breathing is rattling and short and there is suffocation and wheezing. Eczema, rash and vesicles appear on the chest; abscesses in the axillae.
Dorsal curvature of the spine or of the lumbar spine which makes it difficult for the patient to stand up.
The dorsal region aches and he has cramp-like pain in the lumbar region
which extends to the vertex.