
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1456

Diarrhoea from change of weather, in children, with a discharge of pus or bloody pus. Pus-like, slimy discharge from the bowels.
Purulent diarrhoea mixed with blood.
Bloody, dry, hard, knotting stool; stools which are large, lienteric, soft, white, yellow and purulent.
The stools are coated white.
Stools of mushy consistence with yellowish coated tongue.
Diarrhoea like maple sugar.
Urinary Organs
A valuable remedy for catarrh of the bladder where there is copious yellow pus.
Urethral discharges which are yellow, bloody and often gleety. Purulent gonorrhoeal discharges.
Burning in the urethra during urination.
Bright’s disease, if symptoms correspond.
Red urine with hectic fever.
Pyelitis; chronic nephritis.
Male – Spermatorrhoea with impotency; drawing pain in spermatic cords and in the testes in the morning.
Sore, bruised pain in the testes in the afternoon.
Gonorrhoea in the suppurative stage.
Chronic syphilis.
Hydrocele of boys.
Female – This remedy is indicated in mastitis, when pus begins to form or to prevent suppuration.
Leucorrhoea which is thick, white and itchy or bloody and burning.
The menses are late and long lasting, with headache, twitching and great weakness. There is vaginal itching during and after the flow.
Bearing down pains during the menses.
Fibroid tumors in uterus.