If you take a long term view of a case where a patient is suffering with an internal disease, and if you find recurrent abscesses or severe acne or even hydradenitis suppressed by antibiotics in the patient’s history, then there is a definite possibility that this is a case of Calc-sulph.
This remedy is useful in advanced cases of diabetes where there is ulceration on the skin without the tendency to heal. Abscesses of the teeth with discharges of pus are easily managed with this remedy. Sometimes we have affected deep cures by prescribing on a superficial level like this on the teeth. Yet the Calc-sulph. patient has a strong tendency to recurrent tooth abscesses.
Other pathological chronic conditions for which this remedy is indicated include the following:
Suppuration in general in any organ or part of the body points to this remedy; suppuration of otitis media, purulent nasal catarrh, tooth abscesses, fistula of anus, tuberculosis of the lung with a lot of slimy and purulent expectoration, abscess of tonsils etc, etc. Pus is thick, yellow, lumpy or bloody. Mucous discharges are thick, yellow and lumpy. The remedy is useful in bone affections, caries of bone.
Calc-sulph. is useful in complaints from straining muscles and tendons, from overlifting, etc.
Upon the skin we see suppurative abcesses, milk crusts, crusty eczema and lupus vulgaris. Acne vulgaris. Eczema with glandular swellings. Cystic tumors. Fibroids. Lupus erythematodus. Pemphigus foliaceus. Suppurative fistulae after trauma of the skin.
Epilepsy, epileptiform and hysteric convulsions come under the action of Calc-sulph. Its sphere of action also includes the connective tissues which become inflamed and suppurate. It affects the glands, mucous membranes, bones and skin. Further conditions calling