impaired. There is swelling of the glands with hardness and a tendency to varicose veins.
Touch aggravates many parts of the body; the patient dreads being touched; his bones are sore to the touch. He is sensitive all over, sensitive to pain, and all the internal organs feel extremely sensitive when the body is jarred.
Much numbness is felt, especially in parts that are lain on or are painful.
Mucous membranes bleed easily – in the throat, nose, lungs.
There is a convulsive tendency, which is displayed through a contraction of body orifices. The muscles twitch and exhibit chronic jerking.
There is pulsation all over the body, both internal and external.
Additional modalities: many symptoms are worse before, during or after the menstrual flow; worse after breakfast; all symptoms are worse from motion. Periodicity is marked in many symptoms.
A kind of ‘swimmy feeling in head’ has been reported after perspiration has been suppressed by going into a cool room (Margery Blackie). Swimming feeling in the head, as if unable to walk straight, after the least amount of alcohol. Vertigo appears especially in the morning on and after rising; also from mental exertion or while walking in the open air.
Coldness of the head, especially of the occiput and on the vertex.
Heat in the whole head, worse in the forehead, in the evening.