
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1425

nose, etc.), especially in the kidney region.
Sharp pain in the region of the lumbar vertebrae and at the top of the sacrum, followed by soreness.
Numbness of the sacrum and lower limbs.
In sacro-iliac symphysis, there is soreness as if separated.
Sore, pressive, tearing and shooting pain in the os coccygis; particularly from touch or pressure.
Drawing in the back and limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backwards; aggravated in the evening and in the morning.
Backache when there is a loss of muscular power in young, growing girls; with deviation of the spine; curvature of the dorsal spine to the left. Backache with uterine pains; backache as if the menses will appear.
Sensation as if an electric shock went along the spine.
Rheumatic pains in all the limbs from cold and wet weather, particularly after getting wet in rain or when the snow melts; usually worse from motion. They tend to fly about all parts of the rump and limbs. The joints are most affected; pain in all the joints, most on the left side. Gouty fingers and toes become painful in cold weather.
Aching and extreme fatigue of all the limbs. Stiffness after resting, also in the morning.
Aching in the bones, like growing pains.
Soreness about the sheaths of tendons, on extending as well as on flexing. The rheumatic pains and paralytic symptoms tend to affect the extensors more than the flexors. Feeling of lameness of the flexors; sudden aching of the extensors of all the limbs.
Rheumatic pain in the upper arm near the shoulder joint; cannot lift the arm. Rheumatic pains in the shoulder and arm, also with swelling of the diseased part and febrile heat. All bones of the arms ache, especially the thumbs.
Paralysis of the whole left arm was observed in Bute’s proving.
Hard bluish lumps under the arm, oozing and scabbing, after a suppressed itch. Dull pains in the arms, first the left, then the right; from the shoulder to the fingers, from the clavicle to the wrist; worse from a change of weather.
The condyles of the elbows tend to be swollen.
Shooting sensation through elbows, usually first left, then right.
Pain that feels like the bones of the forearms are breaking.
Calcarea phosphorica is one of the main remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome. It may affect both hands, which is rare for that syndrome. The hands
become weak and drop things. Pain in the wrist, with lameness as if
bruised; cramp- like pains when moving or using it; numbness spreading