Chest and Heart
A sharp pain in the left chest in the region of the heart, sometimes of a cutting or stitching nature, has been observed by several provers. It is most felt on deep inspiration and sometimes so severe as to cut off the breath.
One prover experienced this symptom most in the morning before rising, and another throughout the day. At times this pain may alternate with a similar pain in the right chest.
Burning sensation in the chest, from below up into the throat; sometimes downward.
A sharp pain as though some sharp instrument was pushing out the lower end of the sternum. Tearing, pressing, shooting in the sternum.
Dull aching in the chest, which is sore to touch.
Pain in the chest on swallowing.
Pain where the cartilage and the ribs meet. A sore pain of and over the clavicles, which may extend down the arm to the wrist.
Draughts of cold air cause chest pains.
Ulcer over sternum or clavicle.
Hard tumour, like a walnut, in the left male breast.
Sweaty, emaciated chest; profuse sweat and cold extremities in phthisis. Palpitation with anxiety, followed by a trembling weakness, particularly of the calves.
Neck and Back
One of the most sensitive areas in Calcarea phosphorica and one of the first to be affected is the cervical region.
The neck tends to be weak and thin, so that head is inclined to bob about. From the slightest draft of air, violent, rheumatic-drawing pains and stiffness in the nape of the neck with a kind of confusion of the head. The stiffness is often accompanied by a desire to ‘crack’ the neck which, however, gives only momentary relief.
Cramp-like pain in the nape of the neck, first on one side, then on the other. Pain in the cervical region extending to the larynx, which is very painful to touch.
While sitting, feels beating of the pulse in the nape of the neck and the
left chest.
Pains and aches in and near, between and mostly below the shoulder-blades, which throb and jerk.
Pain as if from a bruise on each side of the dorsal and lumbar spine,
during the latter part of the night and in the morning, which disappears after exercise.
Violent pain in the small of the back, when making the least bodily effort; sometimes obliging him to scream; also from a jar (blowing the