
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1414

Crawling sensations run over top of head, with a freezing cold feeling, as if ice were lying on the upper part of the occiput. The head may be hot, with smarting at the roots of the hair.
Heat in the head; burning on top, running down to the toes.
Headaches with fullness, as if the brain were pressing against the skull, most severe on the top of the head. This symptom from Hering’s proving first occurred every ten seconds, then became almost continuous. This kind of headache is aggravated by motion, on stooping, on sitting up after lying down, on rising after sitting; also by external pressure (from a hat). It is better while lying still; the patient often wants only to be left alone.
Throbbing or beating headaches, through either or both sides, worse from a jar (stepping) and especially from quick motion.
Headaches from mental exertion are a well-known indication of Caicarea phosphorica, especially in school children, and accompanied by diarrhoea. Headaches in children from watching TV is also an indication. They may be ameliorated by going out into the open air. Occasionally mental work may also relieve headaches, probably because it diverts the mind from thinking of the pain. In the provings, we can find the following symptom: ‘Headache, in the morning, on waking, a heavy painful confusion, as if close to the bone, from within and without, worse on the vertex and aggravated by bodily exertion; it seems to disappear on mental exertion, and return on bodily exertion; relieved by washing with cold water. ’
Other remarkable modalities: the urge to stool may be attended by pain in the head; gastric or uterine symptoms are often accompanied by headaches. Hering’s proving produced the following strange observation: ‘Great desire for tobacco-smoking; headache relieved. ’
Changes of weather will often aggravate or bring about a headache, which extends downward: from the forehead to the nose, or the from temples to the jaw. It may be connected with rheumatic pain and tearing in other parts, e.g. from the clavicles to the wrists.
As discussed above, there are very often problems with the bones of the skull: hydrocephalus (often with diarrhoea and vomiting), delayed closure of the fontanelles, soft, thin skull bones are pathologies which Caicarea phosphorica affects. Sometimes we see a tottering, large head in a child, the neck being too weak to hold it properly. The bone pains prefer the region of the sutures and have a drawing, tearing, rending quality.
The scalp tends to be itchy and sore, which has led to the cure of impetigo or eczema of the scalp. Falling hair (alopecia areata) or the hair being of poor quality can frequently be observed.