
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1411

Glands and Swellings:
The glands and lymph nodes also suffer from malnutrition. They are often swollen and sore. The tonsils and adenoids are particularly affected; enlarged tonsils and adenoid growths are symptoms that are well verified. We also see swellings of the cervical, inguinal, or mesenteric lymph nodes.
Calcarea phosphorica like Calcarea carbonica is useful in polypi of the nose, uterus and rectum.
We mentioned three causes for the development or the aggravation of a Calcarea phosphorica case: causation or aggravation due to bad nutrition, bad news, or bad weather, i.e., cold and wet. The special aggravation from melting snow is a striking sign, especially in cases of rheumatism and arthritis. Draughts of air can very easily provoke complaints, and any change of weather definitely aggravates symptoms. Whenever the patient goes without a hat, walks on the floor with bare feet or gets his feet wet, he catches a cold. He can have chills running up his back. While the occasional patient may, due to the phosphoric element, be warm-blooded, he still experiences the aggravation of his localised complaints in cold, wet weather. The aggravation from cold extends to food as well; ice-cream, frozen foods and drinks tend to cause colic or diarrhoea. Other foods and drinks that may have a similar aggravating influence are fruit and cider.
Another strong modality is that exertion, especially mental exertion, may bring on complaints. Physical strain, such as lifting, also has negative consequences (back pain, etc.).
Calcarea phosphorica is aggravated by thinking of complaints and by consolation.
Dentition and puberty are critical points in the development of young Calcarea phosphorica individuals.
Heat generally ameliorates, as does warm, dry weather; the same is frequently true of lying down. Some complaints are also amelio¬rated by washing with cold water.