
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 97

ers of these therapeutic arts are not experts in their specialties and therefore cannot provide the individualized and absolutely specific treatment necessary for each case. The fault does not lie with the individuals who practice these therapies, but with the health authorities who have so far shown a frightening indifference in supporting alternative educational centers. There are a few exceptions in the U.S.A., such as schools of Osteopathy and Naturopathy. Individuals who want to learn an alternative therapeutic modality in depth usually cannot find an authoritative school or educational center. In desperation they turn to anybody who professes to teach these alternative therapies. Confusion and exploitation often result. For their part, medical authorities are contemptuous of alternative therapies; they promptly label them "quackery" and refuse to examine them further.
So convenient a response will not long remain tenable. The emergence of AIDS, CFIDS, Candida and other new epidemics and diseases have already alarmed the unsuspecting public into questioning the assumptions of the allopathic bureaucracy.
15. During the process of changing levels through quantum jumps, the organism offers considerable resis¬tance which can be transcended only by the intensity and quality of the stimuli (information).
At all times, the organism is automatically adjusting to the stresses received from the inner and outer environment. Thus in order to maintain a status quo or homeostasis, it puts up resistance in the form of minor and imperceptible changes within the body, which constantly reestablish the inner balance.
Yet there are positive and negative stimuli which, because of their quality and intensity, overthrow this resistance and initiate positive or negative processes.
If a friend of yours asks you to change your way of life, it is certain you will resist in the beginning; but if he keeps on giving you his reasons, and if these reasons strike a sensitive chord in you, you may opt for the change. It is the same with every kind of information. Initiating any real change will depend on how deep your need is for it, how much you appreciate it, and what kind of sensitivity—predisposition—you have towards it.