
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 95

known.1-4 Patient B can withstand considerable quantities of the same antibiotic without adverse effects.
Some people who take an antibiotic won’t develop a disease or serious side effects immediately, but will have delayed hyper-sensitivity. If we keep on giving the drug in an unwise way, it is certain to cause a predisposition even in those who initially were not sensitive to it. Recently a lot of interest has been focused upon delayed hypersensitivity caused by antibiotics such as rifampin, amphotericin B, metrodinoxazole, doxycycline and tetracycline.5-7
In my opinion, antibiotics that could have been life-saving and a blessing in really dangerous cases are prescribed in such a way that they will prove to be one of the greatest curses of our modern civilization. They may spare a patient’s life but leave him blind, deaf, afflicted with kidney, liver or brain damage, bone necrosis, ulceration of the bowel, intestinal hemorrhage, skin scars, extreme sensitivity to sunlight, or other disabilities that may last for months or years. Only during the past decade have we begun to recognize the magnitude, severity and complexity of the problem. Today it is only too obvious that adverse drug reactions represent a major public health menace of alarming proportions.8 Accordingly, I conclude that antibiotics should be given only in emergency situations and only if the life of a patient is threatened.
14. Stimuli or information can be positive or negative, promoting either evolution or degeneration.
We all know the beneficial effect of providing insight or information to people, especially when it concerns the "gray" or confused areas of their emotional or mental spheres. The whole idea of psychotherapy is based on this assumption. In the same way, a medicinal plant or mineral has to provide this much-needed information to really benefit the human organism.
Once the stimulus (which should always be understood as a subtle energy charge) passes a critical level (the organism’s ability to automatically cope with it), a change takes place where self-regulation or disturbance occurs, which is akin to the nature of a quantum jump evoking a new rearrangement of energy patterns. By this quantum jump we imply that the organism, in a split second, changes its level of health; it marks