are slow to heal, for suppuration of bones, similar to Silicea and Calcarea phosphorica, for caries of the bones and for inflammations of the periostium. The healing process may be protracted by a lack of vital reaction. Not only are the bones often insufficiently nourished, but also the teeth. The enamel on teeth is deficient, while dentition proceeds slowly and is difficult. Nails tend to become hypertrophied, hardened, and brittle.
The following are some noteworthy examples that demonstrate Calcarea fluorica’s success with bone problems:
• Burnett used Calcarea fluorica to cure a woman who had a shiny, hard and painful swelling on her left index finger (enchondroma), about the size of a walnut, only flatter. After taking the remedy, the swelling lost its cartilaginous nature, became smaller and softer, and by the end of three months entirely disappeared.
• Other homeopaths have used this remedy to greatly ameliorate osteosarcoma resulting from bone injury.
• Margery Blackie has observed Calcarea fluorica’s success in reducing a bony growth in the nose. The growth resembles a septum, which blocks the nose more on one side than the other and is usually accompanied by a thick yellow catarrh.
• Wesselhoeft cured two cases of periosteal swelling (one on the right radius, one on the left ulna) that were caused by syphilis.
• Farrington cured a case of necrosis of the left lower jaw. There was a continuous discharge from the cavity an offensive, dark, and bloody fluid, mixed with fine pieces of decayed bone. Calcarea fluorica stopped this destructive process entirely, and granulation set in.
Induration and Tumour
Calcarea fluorica has a strong tendency to produce tumours, growths and swellings, often of a stony hardness. Induration is