
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1376

at the nape of the neck.
While sitting, violent pain between the scapulae which extends to the small of the back. Rheumatic pain in both shoulder blades; between the scapulae, with stitching on inspiration and oppression, extending forward to the sternum. Tearing sensation in both scapulae, between the shoulders, that then continues upward to the nape of the neck and occiput, as far as the forehead. Sensation of numbness in both shoulder blades in the evening.
Stitching pain in the small of back, or tearing-pressing pain, upon waking in the morning, disappearing on moving about.
Trembling of the limbs, with prostration which inhibits the person from working and is ameliorated by eating. It also occurs in the evening in bed. Rheumatic pains, that wander and alternate, in all the joints. Wandering pains in the extremities. Many tearing pains.
Drawing-tearing pain in any joint when exerting it, or when it is in an awkward position.
Tearing pains in the shoulders, arms, axillae, elbow joints, wrists, hands, and fingers.
Drawing-tearing pain in the left shoulder joint, which extends over the whole upper arm and becomes so violent that it is difficult to raise the arm; it is seated chiefly in the deltoid muscle, in its fascia and in the shoulder joint; it lasts 3 hours.
Continuous aching in the left shoulder joint when the arm hangs down. Drawing-tearing, dull pain in the left forearm, as if in the bones or in the interossal ligament.
Right hand feels as if it is paralysed, unable to lift anything; the hand drops, under the weight of the object.
Drawing-tearing pain in the first joint of the left index finger, which changes at 5 p.m. in the afternoon, after evening meal, to a pain that feels as if the finger were sprained.
Tearing sensation in both thighs, but especially in the right one; in the knees, down through the feet; in the right side of the right tibia, down to the toes; in the calves; in the left Achilles tendon and heel.
Annoying tension in the lower limbs.
Stitches from the right hip joint down to the middle of the thigh; severe stitches in the hip joint, at 5 p.m., on taking a step; also in the morning, on stepping and in the open air.
Violent sticking pain in the right knee-joint on stepping, which continues when moving it in bed.