There are many rheumatic pains, and the most frequent pain quality is that of tearing; the neuralgic pains in different parts of body may also be stitching or throbbing. Most symptoms are aggravated in the evening, while a few symptoms come on in the morning on rising. Drinking beer
and smoking also aggravate most symptoms, and in particular exacerbate the confusion, oppressive headache and ear pains. Clarke relates that while motion generally tends to aggravate, a particular pain in the small of the back that is felt on rising in the morning, goes away when the patient begins to moves about.
The patient experiences vertigo, as if the room were turning in a circle; she thinks she will fall off her chair.
The symptoms of confusion and dullness of the head can lead to a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Koch’s provings describe some of the symptoms: ‘In the morning, confusion of head, especially of left side, with periodic stitches. The headache is of a pressive quality, so that mental labour can only be done with difficulty… After drinking the usual beer in the evening, the head felt so confused that it was nearly unbearable… Head extraordinarily confused, a dull, pressive pain in forehead extending to occiput so that he could hardly attend to his business… Unwell in the morning, as if he had been drunk tremendously the day before (so-called hangover). ’
After eating lunch, the patient develops a throbbing pain in the frontal sinus, which compels him to contract the skin of his forehead, thereby relieving the pain. The patient feels violent pain in the head on stooping, as if the brain were following the force of gravity.
Pain in the forehead, especially above the eyes.
Tearing pain in the left temple, upwards towards the left frontal eminence or tearing in the forehead, above the brows. Dull, rheumatic pain in the occiput. Stitches through the head from the front to the back.
The sensation as if the hair on the forepart of the head is being pulled
up was already mentioned as a strange, rare, and peculiar symptom. There is also a tendency to falling out of hair. A patient who used this remedy against phthisis lost all of the hair from his head, face, and body (Franks Magazin, 1, p. 353).