hardly rise from his seat. Weak feeling in the back, worse from mental annoyance.
Painful stiffness of the spine in the morning on waking and after rising, with weariness and heaviness of the lower limbs; afterwards there is a rush of blood to the head and chest.
A kind of back pain as if sprained or wrenched is often experienced, particularly in the sides of the back. The spine is painful on bending backwards.
Swelling and incurvature of the neck vertebrae and back. Locomotor ataxia. Spina bifida of the new-born.
Inflammation of the spinal cord.
Painful jerking in the right side of the back on breathing, with chill.
Coldness and numbness on the side of the back that is lain on.
At the neck, the lymph nodes tend to be swollen and painful. This may be accompanied by an eruption on the hairy portion of the scalp.
On turning the head, there is a sudden pain at the neck as if sprained, or else a pain as if a tumour might protrude there.
Burning pain from the nape of the neck to the occiput; all day; ceasing only upon going to sleep.
Perspiration at the nape of the neck in sleep is a key-note.
Pain is often felt between the scapulae. Pressure between the scapulae, on motion, with the catching of breath. Also cutting or drawing pain at this place, or a pinching contraction.
‘Low back pain’ is very often seen. Lumbago. Sciatica.
Pressing pain in the region of the kidneys.
Aching in the lumbar and kidney region on riding in a car.
Paralytic pain as if bruised in the small of the back (and also in the long bones of lower limbs) on motion; also when sitting or standing.
Pain in the spine, in the kidney region, from stretching.
Griping in the small of the back during menses.
Pain in the small of the back with incarcerated flatus.
Continuous dragging from the small of the back to the rectum.
Rheumatism of the lumbar vertebrae, with violent boring, tearing, burning pain, extending downward, with the inclination to move.
Drawing and tearing pinching in the coccyx.
Heat around the coccyx.