patient. Terrible itching of parts toward evening, or after going to bed.
Ovarian or uterine pains, right-sided, extending down the thighs; worse from reading or writing.
Constant aching in the vagina.
Sense of weight and soreness in the uterus.
Prolapsus uteri with sensation of pressure on the uterus. Bearing down, as if prolapsus would occur, and internal organs would pass out, hence difficulty in standing.
Ulcers, or polypi, or cancer of the uterus.
Warts on the os uteri.
Vaginal polypi and fistula.
Sterility, particularly when the menses are too early and profuse.
Pregnant women who are clumsy, awkward, and fall easily; tired from a short walk, from a general feeling of lameness in the pelvis.
False labour pains, running upward.
Lochia last too long, or have a milky appearance.
Lactation disturbances are prominent. Secretion of milk too abundant; galactorrhoea. Excessive lactation; also hectic and sweat; weakness as a consequence. Or: breasts distended, milk scanty; she is cold, feels cold air very readily; want of vital activity to secrete milk. Or: milk disappears in a nursing woman (observed in the proving). The milk is often disagreeable to the child, who refuses it, does not thrive on it, even when secretion is great. Mammae painful as if ulcerated, especially to the touch. Nipples cracked, ulcerated, and very tender.
When nursing, severe internal stitching, as if arrows were forced through the breasts.
Calcarea patients strain the back quite easily, and there are numerous complaints from over-lifting, including stiffness and rigidity of the nape
of the neck, with head pain. This stiffness in the neck can also be felt on stooping or as a result of catching a cold. Sacral pain, from over-lifting but also as if from over-lifting.
The back feels so weak that he slides down in his chair while sitting; cannot sit upright. Or there is pain in the small of the back, so severe that he can