
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 91

not previously exhibited in their life when they were considered "healthy."
We may also witness the opposite—mentally ill people exhibit a tremendous resilience in their physical bodies; they seldom get sick, even when subjected to severely hazardous situations. Unlike "healthy" children, autistic children seldom get sick with acute or infectious diseases. It is a well-established fact that severely mentally ill patients in psychiatric wards seldom suffer from infections despite exposure to very adverse conditions, especially in underdeveloped countries. This happens because the center of gravity of the disturbance is primarily concentrated in the deeper planes of existence, leaving the physical body intact.
This observation, although extremely important, has not been fully understood or appreciated even by those who are quite experienced in dealing with alternative methods of therapy.
This irregular and uncoordinated development of the human being, each level progressing or regressing separately instead of uniformly as one might expect, is largely an effect of prevailing sociocultural norms. So often the pressures of society seem to coerce the individual into adopting unhealthy and at times devious courses of action. There are myriad ways that the human mind has devised to silence or even "kill" the emotions. This is done systematically in western societies where phrases are heard such as, "You should never show your emotions," "Don’t be so emotional," and "If you cry you are weak and a nuisance to others."
Another disastrous practice that has taken place, especially among many of today’s youth, is that by separating their emotions from their physical body many have pursued the path of hedonism instead of love. In choosing sex over love they have chosen a path with consequences so subtle and deeply disas¬trous that they will probably feel the effects for the rest of their lives.
Instead of really falling in love such that the sexual act becomes the culmination of a regenerative and deeply satisfying process, they opt for the physical "orgasm," divorced from any emotional investment—a choice that robs them of far more precious, creative and subtle energies. They are left with an