
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1340

Pulsating and throbbing in the ears.
Stitches in the ears; in the ear and temple, disappearing while at rest with the eyes closed.
A feeling of heat is also to be mentioned: heat in the internal part of the ears, like hot blood; heat that seems to stream out of the (left) ear; burning pain in the region around the ear. We also see, however, frequent chill externally, at the ears, as is consistent with the Calcarea congestion.
Behind the ears, there are frequently moist eruptions and cracks in the
skin, often level with the ear-lobe; these cracks often appear in new-born babies. There are boils and tumours in front of and below the ears. Hahnemann also mentions something like an exostosis in his proving: like a swelling of the bone behind the left ear, that itches and smarts as if it is ulcerated from touch.
The nostrils are sore and ulcerated; sometimes ulcerated in spots, which are covered with crusts. The nostrils are sensitive to touch.
The patients are extremely sensitive to colds, especially to cold and wet,
catching a cold every time the weather changes. They often suffer with troublesome and chronic nasal catarrh which is changeable: sometimes there is an annoying dryness of the nose, and then again it is plugged up with yellow, offensive pus. Thick or yellow nasal discharge irritates the upper lip and swells the nose. Red, itching pustules appear on the upper lip and cheek. Fluent coryza is also to be seen, with profuse secretion, clear like water, and which has a salty taste. ‘Dry nose at night; moist in daytime’ (Hahnemann). Alternatively, he breathes through his nose part of the night, and then it clogs up so he breathes through the mouth. ‘In the morning he blows out enormous blackish, bloody chunks’ (Kent). The coryza can be accompanied by headaches. According to Kent, nasal catarrh can go on for such a long time and may be so deep-seated in Calcarea, that the bones and cartilage of the nose are infiltrated and break down. Coryza alternates with abdominal colic. This curious symptom has been observed in the provings: ‘Severe coryza that disappeared after two days and transformed into violent cutting in abdomen for several days.’ (Hahnemann) Nasal polypi are an indication of Calcarea, and sometimss are with a loss of smell. Kent has experienced that some weeks after a correct prescription of the