There is great photophobia, which is worse in the evening (in artificial light).
A symptom that has repeatedly been produced and cured by Calcarea is agglutination of the lids in the morning. In Hahnemann’s proving, we find the symptoms: ‘The lids of the watery-looking eyes are agglutinated with gum in the morning, and the eyes pain when he looks into the light’, and: ‘Swelling and redness of the lids, with nightly agglutination; during the day they are full of gum, with sensation of heat, smarting pain, and lachrymation. ’
Lachrymation in the open air or in the morning is also a key-note. Lachrymation also comes on from exertion of the eyes, for instance when writing.
Obstruction of the lachrymal duct. Fistula lachrymalis; thick yellow pus in canthus; itching, humid eruptions.
The pupils are chronically dilated.
While reading the movement of the eyes causes tension in the ocular muscles. The eye muscles become weak; the eyeballs seem stiff and difficult to move; there is involuntary nystagmus.
There are painful sensations in the eyes, as if a foreign body had entered them, or as if a grain of sand were under the upper eyelid.
The pain may be pressing or stitching. In the inner canthi stitches and burning can be noticed; the stitching may alternate with pulsating. Pain is worse when reading by candlelight in the evening.
There is itching in the eyes; in the margins of eyelids; in the canthi.
The lids can twitch, with a feeling as if the eye was moving by itself.
Cataracts. Margery Blackie reports: ‘It is astonishing how often the old books claim that cataracts can be cured by Calcarea carbonica. I am quite sure of that, when they are getting dim vision. I had two cases where the eye specialist and I were quite sure that both were beginning a cataract, and both reported that he could not find it after Calc, had acted. ’ Maculae and ulcers on the cornea. Fungus haematodes with opacity of the cornea. Pustules on the cornea.
The eyesight becomes weak, especially for things near the patient; the patient has dim vision, cannot thread a needle.
Hemiopia. From Hahnemann’s proving: ‘It seemed as though a shadow came before the eyes, with very dilated pupils, so that objects seemed to