One of the principal areas of weakness in Calcarea carbonica is the lumbar region. The lumbar area feels very weak, with the peculiarity of this weakness being that it prevents these persons from sitting up straight for long periods of time. The back feels strained and weak, and they have a propensity to slump. Soon after sitting a Calcarea patient tends to slouch in his chair and it is not unusual for him to end up in a half lying position. As his back feels too weak to sustain the weight of his body while sitting, he takes such a position to relieve the weight and pressure. Calcarea not only covers lumbago and sciatica, but also arthritis and gout. Even severe pathologies like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are within the sphere of action of Calcarea.
It is important to know that if severe or systematic diseases, such as rheumatism, present a clear picture of Calcarea carbonica, they are most probably curable. In order for it to be a Calcarea case, you must expect to see the typical constitutional symptoms: the cold feet, the aggravation from cold and damp weather and especially when these two are combined in weather conditions, the sensitivity to cold air and to draughts, and a dread of cold winds. These people are sensitive to the coming of a storm and, in general, to weather changes, especially from warm to cold. When such a change occurs, it seems impossible for the patient to keep warm, though warmth ameliorates his symptoms a great deal. Calcarea suffers because their system has difficulty adapting to changes of weather.
With regard to Calcarea pains we can add that they are most generally felt while lying in bed or while sitting. They are also felt in those parts upon which the body has been lying for a time. They express themselves as neuralgic pains in the limbs, which feel as if beaten, bruised, or sprained.
Nervous Ailments:
Twitching, trembling, spasm, and convulsion are prominent features of Calcarea carbonica. We see muscular trembling, twitching and jerking. Chorea, which is sometimes only one-sided,