
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 87

realms always holds unpleasant surprises for the intruder, somewhat the same way one feels when entangled in a nightmare.
As mentioned, the purity, clarity and coherence of the energy fields of the individual will determine the quality of the "cosmic energy" with which he will come in contact. To further clarify this issue, we can say that the etheric body (energy fields) of each individual is not totally positive or totally negative, but is a mixture of the two, and thus the degree of clarity or in religious terms, the degree of purity, is always relative, never absolute. No one is absolutely pure or absolutely evil. There are only relative degrees of purity or impurity just as there are relative degrees of health and disease. So, simplistic as it may sound, the purer a person is at a given moment, the more pleasant and regenerating the experience of dissociation.
As an example, let us say that you went through a religious experience at confession. In utter sincerity you confessed everything that was burdening your soul, and you came out rejuvenated and happy. If at this moment of maximum purity you have an experience of dissociation, then it is going to be a very pleasant one.
Later on, you again accumulate some bad experiences. You commit transgressions, acts that you consider immoral, unethical and evil. Following these acts the situation arises where you, the same individual, will have a much different, more negative experience during dissociation, as this experience will be affected to a great degree by the relative impurity of the moment. Your reality at the moment will affect the result; if this reality is negative, containing transgressions against yourself and others, so will your dissociation experience be negative.