
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 86

to achieve this they have used hallucinogenic drugs, taken up the practice and study of Eastern philosophies, and adopted new ways of life. Such youths usually seek spiritual or mystical experiences.
The use of hallucinogenic agents has been known since ancient times, but it was closely related to mystical or religious ceremonies. The initiates of ancient countries like Greece, Egypt and India used specific people who were gifted with a sensitivity or a "sixth" sense. Under the spell of a mystical ceremony aided by specific drugs, these people were in a position to unravel mysteries and foresee future events or situations.
The use of such agents in our modern time has little to do with such mystical experiences, and many youths experience an amplification of their own subconscious fears or desires rather than objective truth or future events. As a consequence of this "unreasonable" approach, the results are either insignificant or disastrous. Very frightening experiences often result from careless experimentation with drugs. Many times the negative results of these "trips" remain for life.
Aside from using chemical means to achieve dissociation of mind and body, there are mental and spiritual exercises that can give the practitioner a sense of "peace of mind" together with a sense of "regeneration." All these so-called esoteric or mystical practices, originating primarily in the East, base their success on a simple fact—that if the logical mind is silenced enough, or completely stopped in its activity, a sense of deep peace and regeneration ensues.
It has to be clarified that spiritual or mystical experiences cannot be the result of forcefully induced conditions but are rather the culmination of mature and continuous spiritual efforts.
In order to attain a permanent state of "altered consciousness" the individual has to overcome certain automatic behavioral patterns and mind conditioning, requiring a "super" effort on the part of the individual. The attainment of a temporary state of "altered consciousness" can many times be accomplished by meditation, prayer, contemplation, drugs, etc. All such experiences point to the fact that the human organism is possessed with an infinite potential for regeneration and spiritual evolution. However, the "unauthorized" entrance into such