
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 85

unaware of a nearby noise or another person entering the room, although his eyes are open.
In order to do abstract thinking, we have to dissociate from the environment. Everyone has probably had the experience of infuriating a wife or husband because you did not pay attention to what she or he was saying. You did not hear them, not because you did not care, but because you did not hear it while you were absorbed in your own thoughts. You were dissociated to a certain degree.
So, what we see from all these examples is that there are levels of existence which are part of the human entity but have a separate existence from the physical body.
10. "Dissociation" is essential for the continuation of life.
When the physical body is no longer fit to continue its function, being very tired, exhausted or badly hurt, dissociation is absolutely necessary in order to prevent further deterioration.
It is only during such a state that the flow of energy necessary for the regeneration of the individual can take place. The process should occur in a natural way, free from the effects of chemical stimulation.
A capacity to disconnect at will presupposes a high degree of evolution of the individual and gives him the possibility to regenerate at will.
For regeneration to take place, the conscious mind together with the five physical senses has to be subdued in a natural way; e.g. sleep, concentration states, self-hypnosis, medi-tational states, ecstasy states, deep religious experiences, yogic exteriorizations, etc. In other words, the individual has to cut his connection with the physical world.
During the process of dissociation, the normal individual, having lost control over his physical body, opens his being to the influence of the cosmic (universal) fields of energy that are most similar to the vibrational frequencies of his own fields. This is the reason that different people have different experiences during such states, some very frightening and others very pleasant.
It should be noted that the youth of today and of recent decades have, with desperation and great zeal, been attempting to acquire the ability to exteriorize from their bodies. In trying