Tabacum. While smoking tobacco, stupefying pressure in the eyes and forehead, with the face hot and restlessness.
Pain in the shoulder accompanies the headache.
Dull pressive or sharp cutting pains in the temples.
Fullness in the head as if too much blood were present.
Numbness in the right or left side of the head.
The eyes become violently inflamed and water; eyelids are red and inflamed, eyes smart and burn.
Pressure in the eyeballs, with pain and sensitivity to touch or pressure.
Stitches in the eyes, together with pain in other parts of the body: stitches in the right eye and throbbing in the left knee; stitches in the left eye and in a corn on the little toe.
Extremely sensitive to noise, especially if he wishes to sleep; slightest noise startles him.Feels as if something is placed over the ears, diminishing the hearing. Throbbing in the right ear, with a sensation as if warm water were flowing around it in a circle.
Sensation as if spider-webs were sticking here and there or of a fly crawling on the face; other crawling and creeping sensations.
Heat in the face, flushed face, almost scarlet red.
Mucous membrane of the mouth very red; swelling of the lips, tongue, uvula, etc. Along with a swollen tongue, there may be an excess of saliva that resembles the white of eggs and which may run out in large quantities.
Red, dry stripe down the centre of the tongue which widens towards
the tip (Boger, Synoptic Key).
Milk tastes sour and is repugnant.