
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 83

i. Apparent death
Here we witness the longest and deepest dissociation that can exist while the organism is still alive. This state can be viewed as existing on the threshold between life and death. The person appears to be in a state that is very similar to death, yet he will snap out of this state in a few hours or a few days. What is it that returns? What was missing during this time of apparent death? Were the mental-emotional planes at all times residing with the five senses? These are some legitimate questions one has to ask about such phenomena. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross3 has devoted her life to examining this and similar phenomena of "near-death" experiences and has presented her message to the whole medical profession. The message is that there is definitely something else that exists beyond the physical body.

Figure 19: A subject under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs perceives images of another dimension.
The phenomena enumerated so far have certain common factors: