
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1277

Stomach and Abdomen
Hiccups on the slightest provocation from: talking, laughing, eating or any motion. Burning from the throat down to the stomach, nausea.
Nervous vomiting; vomiting when hysterical.
Tympanitic abdomen in the typhoids. Flatulent colic, particularly after retrocession of an inflammation.
Rectum seems totally paralysed.
Nervous distension of the bowel.
Watery, yellowish diarrhoea; worse at night.
Choleraic diarrhoea from a sudden check of perspiration.
Urinary Organs and Genitalia
Urine decreased, milky, smells like cat’s urine.
Erections with great desire
Long standing erections without the least desire; penis becomes shrivelled. Menses suspended or diminished and accompanied by pain, when caused by a cold or suppressed perspiration.
Neck, Back, and Extremities
All the muscles of the neck are very sensitive to pressure.
Rheumatic symptoms in all the limbs.
Joints feel enlarged, with some pain. A pain as if the joints are enlarged in both shoulders. The arms feel heavy and useless, as if they were tied to the body. There is a numb feeling, particularly in the left arm; the left arm feels as if out of joint.
Weakness and pain in both knees, can hardly walk. Stitching pains through both knees on rising from bed.
Intense itching, aggravated by scratching; measles-like eruption.
Desire to sleep with his arms locked under the head.