Eyes and Ears
The eyes feel heavy, but without sleepiness; the upper lids feel as heavy and thick as shoe leather.
Lobules of the ears turn red.
During the day, sudden redness of the alae of the nose, which disappears as quickly as it came.
On looking down, nose seems large and appears to stick out from the face.
Face feels all puffed up, feels rough.
The skin of the face is not hurt by pinching it. Excessive prosopalgia with severe headache at 5 a.m.
The tongue feels as if it fills the whole mouth and makes the patient lisp. The tongue is moist, feels as if it is scalded, looks white and rough.
Profuse salivation, with a desire to spit.
Speech becomes thick and slow.
Spasmodic constriction of the oesophagus which is worse on attempting to swallow solid food. The patient constantly feels as if he is choking.
There is a constant inclination to spit and hawk up large quantities of tough, white mucus, which he feels is drawn through the nares.
Acrid taste and burning in the pharynx and oesophagus as if there were lye in it.
Respiratory Organs Nervous dyspnoea; hoarseness.
Constant feeling of slight warmth right down the trachea into the lungs. Coughing almost makes him vomit.
Sharp pains through the superior portions of one or both lungs; they seem to go right through the lungs from the front to the back.