joints, as well as rheumatic pains in the muscles of the right shoulder and back. Heaviness of the lower limbs; stretching of the limbs.
Weakness of the knee joints, with the feeling as if the femur snapped over the patella. Tearing sensation in the feet.
Yawning; with stretching of the limbs and cramp-like feelings in the lower limbs. Sleepiness; somnolence; an inclination to sleep.
Restless sleep; disturbed by frequent waking and heavy dreams, such as of falling. Wakes with screaming and starting from a heavy dream; awakens from coughing. Lascivious dreams, with erections and restlessness, finally awakened by a morning emission.
Sleeplessness all night.
Slight shivering, shaking, then heaviness of the head, with heat in the face, then buzzing and ringing in the ears.
Dry heat, no perspiration, worse towards evening, without thirst. The proving also exhibited sweating in the evening, on the slightest motion and even though it was rather cold.
Bright’s disease. Cough. Water retention. Fatigue. Pain in the kidneys. Ophthalmia. Polyuria. Pain in the spleen. Effect of travelling.
Compare: Apoc.; Ars.; Coffea (similar botanically and in relieving effects of fatigue).