Often the stools were preceded by much flatus, thought he was going to have a stool and only great volumes of flatus were passed. There were frequent and tense crampy pains in the bowel with desire for stool, but only flatus passed. The bowel movements become irregular and there is pain and straining in the morning during stool. Desire for stool but only large amounts of flatus is passed. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Stools vary in colour from very dark brown, formed, and offensive, to light yellow. The dark stools are expelled with an enormous amount of flatus, sometimes offensive.
Soreness and colicky pain over the region of the ileo-caecal valve. This was accompanied by tenderness on pressure.
Stool colour varies from very dark brown, formed and offensive, to light yellow. A great deal of straining and urging to stool.
Urinary organs
Sudden urging in women to urinate immediately.
Odour of urine as if the provers had eaten asparagus.
Genitalia – female
Leucorrhoea which is offensive like horse’s urine or yeasty.
Thin, watery, scanty or albuminous leucorrhoea.
Palpitation of the heart after eating a full meal and accompanied by a sense of heaviness and fullness in the region of the liver.
Tired, weak feeling in the low back. Dull pain in lumbar region which goes down into the hips; aggravated by walking and standing.