White-leg; the legs swell in the evening.
Varices of lower limbs.
Felons which begin in the thumb nail and run around the nail.
Offensive perspiration on the feet.
Very profound coma subsequent to the attacks; deep and comatose like sleep between and after convulsions from which it is very hard to wake the patient. The patient wakes from sleep after midnight around 3-4 a.m., sometimes waking with palpitation. All symptoms are worse on awakening. He feels sleepy in the morning after smoking, after meals and after being in the open air. Restlessness with sleepiness.
He cannot sleep from the pain, from formication, from diarrhoea or after 4 a.m. in the morning.
Prefers to sleep on the left side and dreams of greatness, of business matters or of projects.
Chilliness during the menses, after stool or creeping chill in the cold air. The limbs get cold, the head and face increasingly hot, as the paroxysms multiply. The body, especially the hands and arms, are bathed in a clammy perspiration. The head is hot, the body cold with delirium or apathy; quartan fever with intense heat and violent delirium.
In the morning, in bed, the patient perspires quite profusely which makes him feel weak. The sweat is oily and cold.
During convulsions he perspires.
Acne appearing on the back, face and neck. Her skin is very greasy. Cracks in the corners of the eyes.