Epileptic attacks preceded by a jerk in the nape of the neck.
Stiffness and twitching in the cervical region; in the morning.
Curvature of the dorsal spine with caries of the dorsal vertebrae and a swelling of bone the size of a fist.
The whole back is painful particularly when straightening up. Aching in the lumbar region in the morning or from motion; lancinating pain in the lumbar area as from a
hot iron. The sacral region is painful while sitting and the back pain is only ameliorated when lying on the back.
The limbs become stiff and numb before an attack of epilepsy.
Heat in extremities; numbness in the morning on waking or while lying on them. The limbs go to sleep easily.
Paralysis of extremities.
Convulsion of the extremities during coitus with restlessness before convulsions and afterwards the limbs feel tired.
Pain in middle of long bones and in the joints with a sensation as if a peg were driven in.
Shooting pain in the extremities.
Upper Limbs: the arms become stiffened before an attack following the lapping motion of the tongue, with contractions of the fingers of the right hand, then the left, with the thumbs drawn into the palms.
The upper limbs go numb whilst lying on them, particularly the left arm and they feel heavy. Restlessness and shaking of the upper limbs; the patient has a great desire to move the arms about. The upper arm feels tense; he suffers cramps in the upper right limb and stitching, burning and lancinating pain in the bones. The forearm is weak. Erysipelatous inflammation of upper limbs; the arms and hands swell and look bluish and hot with burning pain and the lymphatics in the arm become inflamed. Pain in the extensor muscles of the upper limbs on motion; the pain runs up the arm. Boring pain in the elbow.
Burning eruptions appear on the palm of the hand, the hand and the