is hot, pale and swollen, with sticking in it. Itching in the joints of the fingers. The whole body is covered with a red, elevated, rash-like eruption.
Eruption of inflamed pimples, of white pimples after scratching; of black pustules and eruptions after scratching. Close white rash with burning and itching. Burning itching as from nettles.
The skin itches and stings on excitement but tears after scratching.
As long as the patient stays perfectly quiet there is no itching but with the least motion of body or emotions the itching starts and then becomes worse and worse and is really intolerable.
Urticaria from strawberries.
Erysipelatous inflammations, especially of joints.
Purpura senilis. Petechiae.
Putrid ulcers which have a cold feeling in them; burrowing, fistulous ulcers or painless ulcers. Brownish or blackish discharge from the ulcers. Ulcerated cracks in the skin and cracks after washing.
Variola with dropsy; black small pox; hard tubercles.
Vesicular eruptions which peel off, or fill with blood or c racked, vesicular eruptions.
Head: the headaches of Bryonia are all aggravated by motion, even of eyeballs. The pains either begin in the occiput or finally become seated in the occiput, frequently associated with dryness of the mouth, thirst and coated tongue; the headaches are rarely neuralgic, but are generally sympathetic with gastric disorders or with inflammatory infections. Meningitis from suppressed eruptions.
Eyes: congestion and soreness of the eye. Inflammation of the eye, especially of internal parts, iritis, choroiditis, glaucoma, etc., the eyeball very painful, full feeling, pain extending to back of head.
Nose: catarrh with dryness, sudden suppression of the discharge and headache. Bleeding from suppressed menstruation, occurring regularly every day.