
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1182

Evacuations of undigested substances or stools brown, thick and bloody.
Stools mushy and yellow, lienteric at night or stools that look like the scrapings of intestines.
Urinary Organs
Bladder: morbid desire to urinate after lifting; during motion; at night. Involuntary urination during cough, during exertion, and from motion.
Urging in bladder during perspiration and during chill.
Frequent urge to urinate immediately and if he does not go there is a feeling that he will not be able to hold on to his urine, even though the bladder is not full. Pressing pain ameliorated when sitting and while walking.
Stitching, stinging, and tearing pains in bladder.
Constriction and contraction in urethra during urination with burning and incisive pain before passing water. The urethra feels constricted or narrowed. Red spots appear on the urethra. The meatus feels sore.
Increase in greenish, gonorrheal discharge from urethra, after having decreased, or haemorrhage of pure blood. Also haemorrhage of pure blood from urethra when not urinating.
Inflammation and pain in the kidneys.
Fullness and sensation of enlargement in the prostate gland.
Urine: very dark, scanty and almost brown or is reddish and leaves a pink sediment in the bowl and leaves a thick sediment after standing overnight.
Milky, turbid urine which has a mousy odour. Scanty urine with brain infection. The urine feels hot as it passes and causes burning sensations.
Genitalia – male
Increased desire with emission in the night after coitus and painful erections after morning and night coitus. Erections lacking in sexual passion. Blotchy eruptions and eruption of a red, itching, miliary rash on the glans penis.
Drawing pain in spermatic cords, extending into abdominal ring.