
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 69

blockage of the mechanisms and functions that replenish our energies during sleep?
We cannot afford to ignore such questions any longer because we will soon have to face the dire consequences of our voluntary "blindness."
7. It has yet to be recognized that information between the individual and his or her environment is communicated on an energy level through the smallest particle-energy bodies. These bodies contain a wealth of information and specific codes that can be decoded only by a "sympathetic" apparatus on a similar level.
Each one of us has an apparatus that receives and decodes cosmic energy waves carrying specific messages and serving specific purposes, especially during our sleep state. Every night we, as energy systems, become receptive to an abundance of very valuable information in the form of dreams. Sleep and dreaming are absolutely necessary for the continuation of our existence and for inducing necessary "modifications." Let us give a simple example: During the waking state we are confronted with an emotional problem that we do not face properly but instead ignore, suppressing our emotional response. If that state is not corrected in one’s sleep through "symbolic dreaming," it may remain to detrimentally affect one’s health.
I understand that this concept is a bit abstract and difficult to support with scientific evidence. Nonetheless, here we are concerned with vital issues that touch upon life itself, and thus we cannot ignore certain facts that are of paramount importance for the understanding of our subject. Science, I am sure, will soon provide enough evidence to verify the existence of this kind of energy that permeates the cosmos and from which we draw reserves every night in order to continue living.
It is a well-known fact that we cannot live very long without sleep, especially certain stages, and it seems that sleep is even more important than food. What happens in our sleep that regenerates us to such an extent, and why is it that nothing else can replace this type of regeneration?
It seems that we live our lives on three different levels of existence: