reason for her mental state. Her depression resembles Puls. She is deeply despondent, sits alone in her room without doing anything, without saying anything and constantly looks in one direction.
A question about her condition will only elicit this type of answer: “I am not at all myself, there is something wrong with me but I do not know what it is”. She is in a state of deep depression, caused by a loss of elasticity of the emotions. The emotions have ceased to function: they do not allow her to understand what is going on and to describe or react to it.
One may describe this condition as being somewhere between the Aurum and the Pulsatilla depression. A few points may serve here to differentiate the various types of depression. The Bromium depression does not drive the patient towards self-destruction, as is the case in Aurum, where the patient knows that he wants to bring an end to the suffering. Neither is the Bromium sufferer lost in the state of ‘non-existence’ – unable to move, eat or speak – that characterises the final stage of a Pulsatilla depression. The Bromium patient is very tired and sad and has an aversion to any kind of work, to reading and to speaking, but will still function somewhat, whereas Pulsatilla has to be forced to eat and will refuse to speak, neglecting all duties.
In this remedy most complaints are accompanied by anxiety.
Anxiety is produced with bodily symptoms such as violent coughing spells and pain in the abdomen. It may originate from the heart or lungs; an anxious feeling about the heart with constriction in the chest; after evening meal a feeling of an impending attack of apoplexy; oppression at heart brought about by exertion; apprehension in the evening with oppression of the heart and headache. An anxious state of mind may bring about a fear of ghosts or visions in the dark, as well as fear of being alone in